Thursday 12 May 2016


This is supposed to be a Chupacabra, and belive it or not, this is the best picture i drew of the Chupacabra.

This is a mean one, and very scary looking. Farmers in the U.S.A. and in Mexico, have reported that at night something has been killing there small animals, and drinking there blood. Some have seen the creatures, and said it looks like a large hairless dog, about 3-4 feet tall, also stands on there legs like a kangaroo, and has sharp spines or quills running down its back.

 Now there are some videos on youtube on this, but i do not belive there are catching is the Chupacabra. What they are saying is, there are sick dogs out there that lose there hair (that part is true), and there the ones doing all of this, but the dogs they have caught are completly differnt then what the farmers are saying. The hiarless dogs they have found are ony 1-2 feet tall, but farms are saying the Chupacabra is 3-4 feet tall. Also the dogs do not have have sharp spines or quills running down its back as reported. And dogs eat the animal that they kill, not drink the blood, the Chupacabra only drinks the blood of the animal, and leaves the rest of the animal alone.

Now Chupacabras have not hurt any humans, but i still will poo my pants if i saw one. I'm pretty sure that i look very tasey to one of them, and i would be the very frist human to be drain of blood by one of these guys.

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